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Bilingual Teacher
Reiko-sensei is a very active mother. During her free times she listens to music, particularly to K-pop, reads books and enjoys making arts and crafts. She also cooks healthy meals, do some workouts and spent her fun times with her son and dog. As her great passion of Learning English since she was a child, she went to Australia and the US to study English when she was a teenager. After she graduated from the university majoring in English Language degree, she stayed in Australia for about a year where she had a great experience of living in an English-speaking country. She has taught English to children for over six years at an English school in Japan and enjoyed spending her time with children. レイコ先生 レイコ先生は、時間があるときは音楽、特にK-popを聴くのが好きな元気なお母さんです。他にも読書、アート、手芸、料理も好きです。時間があれば息子と犬と運動したりして楽しんでいます。10代の頃にアメリカやオーストラリアで行った経験もあり子どもの頃から英語にすごく興味がありました。大学では英語を専攻し卒業後、オーストラリアに滞在し有意義な経験と共に英語を学びました。帰国後、日本の学校で6年以上子どもたちに英語を教えてきた経験があります。 |