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English Teacher
Ida-sensei was born in the Philippines. She moved to Japan as she always very excited to have more opportunities to learn and explore Japanese cultures. She has worked in Singapore as her first experience to live abroad twelve years ago as she wished to earn more experience as an entrepreneur before she decided to came to Japan in 2017. Since then, she has started to teach English to younger learners and nursery school students and enjoys herself having fun moments with her students and raising her own two children at home. Together with Polku, as part of the team, she is looking forward to seeing her students’s growth and having pleasant learning times with them. Education: BA Business Management in Entrepreneur Ida先生はフィリピン生まれで起業するためシンガポールで12年前に移住しましたが、日本の文化が大好きで2017年に来日しました。その後、幼稚園や保育園での英語を教える機会に出会い、二人の自身の子どもも含めて自宅で英語を教える楽しみを見つけました。現在は、POLKUのメンバーとして英語に親しんでもらえるこどもたちと出会えることが楽しみです。 |